Monday, November 12, 2007

Effects and behaviors of spyware

A spyware program is rarely alone on a computer: an precious machine can rapidly be impure by many other components. Users frequently notice not needed behavior and degradation of system performance. A spyware infestation can generate significant unwanted CPU activity, disk usage, and network traffic, all of which slow the computer down. Stability issues, such as request or system-wide crashes, are also common. Spyware which interferes with networking software generally causes difficulty connecting to the Internet.

In some infections, the spyware is not even manifest. Users assume in those situations that the issues narrate to hardware, to Windows installation problems, or a virus. Some owners of defectively infected systems resort to contacting technical support experts, or even buying a new computer because the existing system "has become too slow". Badly infected systems may perhaps require a clean reinstallation of all their software in order to return to full functionality.

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